Encouraging Compassion

We have already stated that parental example is the primary standard by which young children measure acceptable behavior. Here’s a demonstration of this principle …

Question: “What are you doing?”
Answer: “Keeping the ant warm.”

His father works in security, protecting folks from harm. His mother nurtures the young. These consistent examples of compassion are already imprinted in his “code of conduct blueprint.”

Through our example children already have the foundations of integrity and excellence within them. They already have developed a value system simply by watching.

Therefore during special occasions, when children get caught up in the excitement of an event, when they get over tired, and when visiting children model inappropriate behavior, let’s remember that these are only occasional indiscretions. Any errors in judgement they may commit are all part of learning how to develop self-control, how to endure physical stress, and how to resist peer pressure.

For more information go to our article entitled Transferring Values to Young Children